I teach you what’s inside of you.

To BE creative.

To BE innovative.

And when you are, you will see that what you want is already in front of you.

I will help you realize your own resourcefulness.

So that you can change your circumstances with what you already have.

That is the essence of a Wild Visionary.

Ideas brought to life as you tap into your inner resources.

While having a “No Matter What” drive.



Think of me as your secret weapon - The JEDI of problem solving.

I make problems go away.

I make opportunities that are hidden in plain sight come to life.

You’re stuck in indecision.

You’re in transition.

You don’t know why the passion project or business hasn’t gotten off the ground

You know you were meant for more, but how?

You brainstorm, write lists, ask friends, try to finally FIGURE IT OUT!

Your staring at your problem and you can’t seem to find a way through.

But you KNOW you were made for more.

I can help you realize how to find the resources with your OWN resourcefulness.

Together we will take every obstacle and turn it into opportunity.

You will change your whole life.

About Audra

I didn’t realize what failure was untill it became more of a main stream conversation. “Fail Forward” they say. I never thought of it as failure; I just make problems go away. As a child I cultivated the art of creative problem solving and resourcefulness. It started with the wild ideas of buying a monkey, a William Wegman dog to dress up, and owning my own store at 10. This thirst for finding solutions inspired me as an adult to start a bakery with no money, a one year old on my hip, and a tiny apartment stove; and later to reverse-engineer buying a HOUSE for $327 at close; then building a six figure real estate business— 6 businesses and a whole lot of “NO MATTER WHAT” moments later, I am here as proof that we can ALL do this. I will teach you how to realize you don’t have hurdles, you have infinite possibilities.


Wild Visionaries

begin here….

I offer ~

~THE WILD VISIONARY Arena Mastermind

~Problems to Possibilities Group Programs

~Custom Tailored 1:1 Private Coaching

~Retreats with The Wild Visionary Community

Visit The Wild Visionary Shop for more info on all my current offerings.

You can become a Wild Visionary.

Learn how to tap into your ingenuity and see what opportunities await!

It’s time to transform your life.